Saturday 1 March 2008

Snakes Alive!

European Adder- Vipera berus

Nice day in Swanage today for a spot of sunbathing!

We spotted these up a Durlston Country Park this afternoon; looks like they’re getting frisky! Perhaps some additions (gettit) later in the summer!

‘Generally speaking, this is not an aggressive species, tending to be rather timid and biting only when cornered or alarmed. Many people are only bitten after stepping on them. They will usually disappear into the undergrowth at a hint of any danger, but will return once all is quiet, often to the same spot.

Relatively speaking, bites from this species are not highly dangerous. In the UK there have been only 14 known fatalities since 1876; the last a 5-year-old child in 1975. Domestic animals and livestock are more frequent victims.’ (Wikipedia)

Advice: If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. (They are a protected species too!) If however you, or the dog, are unlucky enough to be bitten, seek medical or veterinary advice.

What does an exhibitionistic snake wear to the beach? A pythong


Swanage Coastguard said...

Give someone else a go on the blog and they snnnakkkkkeeeeeeee about!

CG said...

.....don't get hissy, at least I 'adder' go.