Monday 25 July 2016

Cliff (Rope Rescue) Training

The team were up bright and early yesterday for some cliff training - or more correctly 'rope rescue' training on the Downs.

First jobs: get everybody there, get the kit there and unloaded

Kerry was the first cliff technician to 'go over'.....

...followed by Nick who never misses a good photo opportunity...
...followed by Brian who took the dog bag in order to recover an imaginary Rottweiler.  He brought back some rocks instead.
Recovery of the techs was by 'tugger', a block and tackle device with a nominal 5:1 gearing (remember your 'O' level physics!)
Ian ran the session - well, he did have his smart uniform on! We'll make sure he goes over next time.

The cliff face was very loose and crumbly at the bottom.....
....with evidence of a recent cliff fall.

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